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Before you read on, please note that these routes, while going through the process of being made legal, are not yet open and cannot be applied for as of 16 March 2022.
The UK Government is set to introduce a new set of visa routes in the coming months.
The new routes, many of which are categorised as ‘Global Business Mobility routes’, were announced on 15 March 2022.
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Home Office, Kevin Foster, said in a statement: “The Global Business Mobility routes represent a world-leading offer for businesses. For the first time, teams of workers will be able to undertake assignments connected to a business’s expansion to the UK, thereby facilitating inward investment.”
Some of the new routes will replace some of the existing routes. It’s hoped the new routes will make it easier for businesses and individuals to decide which route they should apply for. The requirements for each of the new routes has also been simplified, which will allow for greater clarity to both workers and businesses.
Several of the additions directly concern businesses and those of them that are looking to conduct temporary business in the UK. These routes, which are to be known as Global Business Mobility Routes, are all listed below.
Senior or Specialist Worker
This visa is for senior managers or specialist employees who are being assigned to a UK business linked to their employer overseas. This route replaces the Intra-Company Transfer route.
Graduate Trainee
The Graduate Trainee is for workers on a graduate training course leading to a specialist position and who are required to do a work placement in the UK. This route replaces the Intra-Company Graduate Trainee route.
UK Expansion Worker route
This route is for the use of senior managers or specialist employees who are being assigned to the UK to undertake work related to a business’s expansion to the UK.
Service Supplier route
The Service Supplier route is for contractual service suppliers (employed by an overseas service provider or a self-employed professional overseas) that need to work in the UK to provide services.
Secondment Worker
This visa is for workers being seconded to the UK as part of a high value contract or investment by their employer overseas. This is a brand new route in the Immigration Rules.
Further changes
In conjunction with the new Global Business Mobility Routes, the UK Government also announced the introduction of two brand new visa routes; The High Potential Individual route and the Scale Up route.
The High Potential Individual (HPI) route
The HPl route is aimed at attracting bright new talent to the UK via a points-based-system. Applicants must have either a bachelor’s or postgraduate degree from one of the top global universities outside the UK. The degree must have been awarded no more than five years before the date of application.
Applicants with a qualification equivalent to a UK Bachelor’s or Master’s level degree will be able to stay for two years, while applicants who have qualification equivalent to a UK PhD will be able to stay for three years.
The Scale-up route
The Scale-up route is a new route which will allow employees with the required skill level from a recognised UK scale-up to qualify for a fast track visa.
Applicants will need a sponsored job offer from an authorised UK scaleup company. Similar to the Skilled Worker visa, the job must be skilled to graduate level and be paid an appropriate salary – at least £33,000 per year or the going rate for the particular occupation, whichever is higher.
The company in question will need to demonstrate that they have an annualised growth of at least 20% for the previous 3-year period, as well as a minimum of 10 employees at the start of this 3-year period.
What do the Scale-up and HPI routes allow you to do?
Both the Scale-up and HPI routes allow the respective holder to work full time in any skill-level. For people on the Scale-up route, this will be contingent on them remaining in employment in a job of graduate level for the first six months. After this period, their status will no longer be dependent on their employer.
Any breach of immigration law will disqualify someone from being granted permission on either route.
More will become clear about all the new routes and changes listed here. You can check our website for updates or sign up for our newsletter.
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