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People looking to work in the UK on a Skilled Worker Visa will need to do a job that is eligible. Some of these jobs are listed on the Immigration Salary List.
The Immigration Salary List replaced the Shortage Occupation List, on 4 April 2024, but it was announced by the Home Office in December 2023. The Shortage Occupation List was essentially a list of different jobs and industries which had shortages. This allowed employers to recruit workers from overseas with a salary discount, which also made it easier for the workers to get a visa. This is because the job they planned to do needed to reach a certain salary, which was lower if it was on the Shortage Occupation List.
With the introduction of the Immigration Salary List, some of the previous rules have changed, though the new list functions in essentially the same way as the Shortage Occupation List. Find out what rules are different, what the new list’s aims are, and what the future holds for the new list.
Why was the Immigration Salary List introduced?
The UK Government replaced the Shortage Occupation List with the Immigration Salary List as part of their efforts to both stop abuses of the immigration system, and cut net migration numbers.
For example, to stop the exploitation of migrant workers, the 20% salary discount for jobs on the Shortage Occupation List has been removed. This means that workers will receive higher wages than before, and so will not be underpaid. Domestic workers will also benefit from this, as their wages will not be brought down by overseas workers who are being paid less.
Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) recommendations were also what led to the Government making the decision to replace the Shortage Occupation List.
MAC is a body that advises on different aspects of immigration, and helps to see how immigration can help with skill shortages.
What changes were introduced with the Immigration Salary List?
Aside from the previously mentioned removal of the 20% going rate discount, there are some other differences between the new list and the old list.
However, there is a discount on the general salary threshold for occupations on the list. This means that employers will need to either pay £30,960, or the threshold for the specific occupation that the role comes under, whichever is higher.
Additionally, the jobs on the Shortage Occupation List were reviewed by MAC when it was turned into the Immigration Salary List. As a result, some jobs will no longer be included on the list.
The current discounted general salary threshold of £30,960 was changed to be in line with the increased minimum salary that an overseas worker doing a job not on the Immigration Salary List, will have to earn to be able to apply for a Skilled Worker Visa. The amount they have to earn for jobs not on the Immigration Salary List is currently £38,700.
However, these will not be the end of the changes. MAC will continue to revise the new list, and advise the Government on any changes they think may be useful. We will try to keep this guide updated on any future changes to the Immigration Salary List.
What roles are on the Immigration Salary List?
There are a mixture of roles on the Immigration Salary list, with there currently being 23 in total. Most of the roles are UK wide, whilst three of them are specific to Scotland.
The full list of roles is as follows:
Occupation code | Job | Areas of UK |
1212 | Managers and proprietors in forestry, fishing and related services | Scotland only |
2111 | Chemical scientists (nuclear industry only) | Scotland only |
2112 | Biological scientists | UK wide |
2115 | Social and humanities scientists | UK wide |
2142 | Graphic and multimedia designers | UK wide |
3111 | Laboratory technicians (for jobs requiring 3 or more years related on-the-job experience) | UK wide |
3212 | Pharmaceutical technicians | UK wide |
3411 | Artists | UK wide |
3414 | Dancers and choreographers (classical ballet dancers or skilled contemporary dancers who meet the standards of internationally recognised UK dance companies) | UK wide |
3415 | Musicians (only skilled orchestral musicians who are full members of the Association of British Orchestras, and are leaders, principals, sub-principals or numbered string positions who meet the standards of internationally recognised UK orchestras) | UK wide |
3416 | Arts officers, producers and directors | UK wide |
5119 | Agriculture and fishing trades not classified under other codes | UK wide |
5213 | Welding trades (only high integrity pipe welders where the job needs 3 or more years on-the-job related experience) | UK wide |
5235 | Boat and shop builders and repairers | Scotland only |
5312 | Stonemasons and related trades | UK wide |
5313 | Bricklayers | UK wide |
5314 | Roofers, roof tilers, and slaters | UK wide |
5316 | Carpenters and joiners | UK wide |
5319 | Construction and building trades | UK wide |
6135 | Care workers and home carers (all jobs, except ones with a working location in England, are eligible if the sponsor is registered with the Care Quality Commission and is carrying out regulated activities – private households and individuals cannot sponsor Skilled Worker applicants) | UK wide |
6136 | Senior care workers (all jobs, except ones with a working location in England, are eligible if the sponsor is registered with the Care Quality Commission and is carrying out regulated activities) | UK wide |
6129 | Animal care services occupations not classified under other codes (only racing grooms, stallion handlers, stud grooms, stud hands, stud handlers, and worker riders) | UK wide |
9119 | Fishing and other agriculture occupations not classified under other codes (deckhands on large fishing vessels in which the worker needs at least 3 years of on-the-job experience) | UK wide |
The numbers are Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) codes from the SOC 2020 system. As of April 2024, SOC 2020 will be the main system used, with the older SOC 2010 system being completely removed.
If you have previously used the older system, then you may have noticed that some jobs are different SOC codes now. Ensure that you use the new codes in anything you do.
In the future, it is possible that the Government will add more jobs to the Immigration Salary List. We will update the above table if this happens.
How we can help
If you have to make use of SOC codes and are reading about the Immigration Salary List, then it is likely that you are either an employer interested in applying for a Sponsor Licence, or an overseas worker who is interested in working in the UK.
Our expert law team can help you with applying for a Sponsor Licence. For a Skilled Worker Visa, you will first need a job lined up in the UK before you can apply. Once you have a job ready, then our team can help you with applying for a visa.
You can arrange a free 10-minute appointment, during which you can discuss your issues with a team member and see if we can help you. If it has been decided that we can help you, then you can book a longer appointment that will last either 30 minutes, or an hour.
The team member you initially talk to will act as your point of contact within our company, and will be there to answer any questions that you may have.
Get in touch with us today if you need our help.
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If you have any questions, or want to book an appointment with one of our legal experts, contact Woodcock Law today. Call us on +44 (0)20 7712 1705 or email