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26 May 2023

UK Home Office Visa Processing Times

The UK Home Office has recently updated how long it should take for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to process your visa application.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
UK Home Office Visa Applications Waiting Time s- May 2023

In this guide, we have set out the expected waiting times for each type of visa when applying from both within and outside of the UK. The maximum waiting time for each visa has been set by UK Home Office customer service standards.

Visit the Government’s website for more information on visa processing times for applications made outside of the UK.

You can do the same to find more information on processing times for visa applications made inside the UK.

What may extend or delay UK visa processing times?

There are several factors that can cause UK visa processing times to be delayed, including:

  • Your application is inaccurate or requires further consideration
  • You need to provide further evidence
  • Your documents need to be verified
  • You need to attend an interview
  • Further personal information is required
  • UKVI is experiencing increased demand.

These are the current UK Home Office processing times* based on the current volume of applications they are receiving:

Family Visas

Category Inside the UK Outside the UK
Family visas 8 weeks 24 Weeks
Partner or spouse – private life (minimum income and English language no required) 12 months 24 Weeks
Parent 12 months 24 Weeks
Homes for Ukraine As quickly as possible As quickly as possible

Student Visas

Category Inside the UK Outside the UK
Student 8 weeks 3 weeks
Child Student 8 weeks 3 weeks
Study English in the UK Not available 3 weeks

Visitor and Transit Visas

CategoryInside the UKOutside the UK
Standard Visitor8 weeks3 weeks
Permitted Paid EngagementNot available3 weeks
Marriage VisitorNot available3 weeks
Chinese tour groupNot available3 weeks
TransitNot available3 weeks

Popular Work Visas

CategoryInside the UKOutside the UK
Skilled Worker8 weeks3 weeks
Health and Care Worker3 weeks3 weeks

Temporary Work Visas

CategoryInside the UKOutside the UK
Government Authorised Exchange8 weeks3 weeks
Charity Worker8 weeks3 weeks
Creative Worker8 weeks3 weeks
International Agreement8 weeks3 weeks
Seasonal WorkerNot available3 weeks
Religious Worker8 weeks3 weeks

Work Visas - without a job offer

Category Inside the UK Outside the UK
Global Talent 8 weeks 3 weeks
Youth Mobility Scheme Not available 3 weeks
India Young Professionals Scheme visa 3 weeks 3 weeks
UK Ancestry 8 weeks 3 weeks
High Potential Individual (HPI) 8 weeks 3 weeks
Graduate 8 weeks Not available

Work Visas - to start a business

CategoryInside the UKOutside the UK
Innovator Founder8 weeks3 weeks
Start-up3 weeks3 weeks

Work Visas - for an overseas employer

CategoryInside the UKOutside the UK
Overseas Domestic Worker8 weeks3 weeks
Graduate TraineeNot available 3 weeks
Secondment Worker8 weeks3 weeks
Senior or Specialist Worker8 weeks3 weeks
Representative of an Overseas Business8 weeks3 weeks
Service Supplier8 weeks3 weeks
UK Expansion Worker8 weeks3 weeks

Other Visas and Permits

Category Inside the UK Outside the UK
Entrepreneur 8 weeks Not available
Investor 8 weeks Not available
Turkish Businessperson 6 months Not available
Turkish Worker 6 months Not available
British National (Overseas) 12 weeks 12 weeks
International Sportsperson 8 weeks 3 weeks
Minister of Religion 8 weeks 3 weeks
Scale-up Worker 8 weeks 3 weeks

UK Home Office Complaints Procedures

If you wish to make a complaint to the UK Home Office regarding your current Visa Application you have made within the last three months you can contact the UK Home Office directly.

  • If you are unhappy about the decision regarding your UK Visa application you can apply for an administrative review. 
  • If you are refused entry or leave to remain you can appeal this decision. Please note, not all decisions have the right of appeal.
  • If you think your work or benefits have been affected because of your immigration status, check if your immigration status is correct.
  • You can report immigration crime including working illegally, false applications, or smuggling.
  • If you have had goods or vehicles seized you can contact the national post seizure unit.
  • For any other type of enquiry or complaint you can view the UK Home Office online complaints procedure.

You can also contact the UK Home Office by:

Post: Home Office, Direct communications unit, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF
Call: 020 7035 4848

However, you chose to make a complaint to the UK Home Office, please ensure you provide the following information:

  • The area of the Home Office your complaint refers to. You can leave a name here also.
  • Context on if this is either an original complaint or a follow up from a previous one. 
  • A clear description of your complaint and what you wish the outcome to be
  • Your contact details so they can get back to you. 
  • All Home Office complaints aim to be responded to within 20 working days. 
  • If you are dissatisfied with their response, you can ask for it to be passed on to a more senior member of staff, or further still, your MP.

* This information is correct as of March 2024

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