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Whilst it does not happen to everyone, there are times where UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) will ask that someone applying for a Skilled Worker Visa has an interview with one of their staff members. So not only will you have your job interview with your potential employer, but you will have to have another one as well.
You may be wondering what kinds of questions you will be asked, what the purpose of this interview is, and why you have been chosen to have one.
We shall take you through the Skilled Worker Visa interview process, so that you can understand what might be expected of you when you apply for your visa.
Why might I have to do a Skilled Worker Visa interview?
Since not everyone has to do a Skilled Worker Interview, it is useful to know what the reasons behind having to do one may be.
There could be a number of reasons why the UKVI will interview you, but we have highlighted some of the ones we believe are the most relevant.
To check your reasons for coming to the UK
Most of the time, the UKVI will want to interview someone just to make sure that they are coming to the UK for genuine reasons, and for the purpose of the visa that they have applied for.
Your immigration history
One of the main reasons you may have to do an interview is if there is something flagged in your past immigration history. If the UKVI finds something that they are unsure about and makes them question whether you should be granted a visa or not, then they will carry out an interview.
English proficiency
Another reason is that they want to check that applicants have a sufficient understanding of English for the visa they have applied for, which is a level of B1 for the Skilled Worker Visa. Workers will struggle to get by in their careers if they have a poor understanding of English.
Verifying your details
When you apply for your Skilled Worker Visa, you will be providing a lot of information about yourself. To ensure that the information that you have provided is correct, the UKVI will use any answers you give to make sure it matches what you have said on your application.
Funds to support yourself
Upon your arrival in the UK, you will need enough money to support yourself until you get your first pay cheque. Sometimes, your employer who is sponsoring you to work for them will cover your initial expenses. The interviewer will make sure that you have a way of getting by when you first get to the UK, along with making sure you are suitable for the role and can carry the job duties outlined on your Certificate of Sponsorship.
What is included in the interview?
The Skilled Worker Visa interview is essentially a second job interview, so you can expect a lot of the same questions that you will have already been asked in your interview with your potential employer.
For example, you may be asked about:
- Relevant past job experience
- Knowledge of the industry
- The company you have applied to join
- Your career goals
However, you may be asked other questions that are more related to your visa application as well. For example:
- What your job responsibilities will be
- Why you want to work in the UK
- Information about your sponsor, such as work locations
- Past immigration history
- Plans once your visa expires to check you do not overstay
- Questions regarding your details as previously mentioned
If you need help preparing for the interview, then it may be good idea to get the help of an immigration adviser, such as ourselves.
How is the interview carried out?
The Skilled Worker Visa interview can be carried out in several ways, with one example being that it could be done through a video call using a platform such as Microsoft Teams.
If there is a UK Visa Application Centre in your country or a neighbouring country, then you may have to go there instead.
It is also possible that you may be asked questions upon your arrival at the UK border.
Tips for the interview
As long as your application is accurate and you have not lied anywhere, you should not have any issues with getting it accepted.
However, depending on how you act in the interview, you could impact your own chances. Here are some tips and things to avoid during your Skilled Worker Visa interview:
- Provide answers with depth; if you are asked a question about your knowledge or what your role will be, make sure you show that you know what you are doing
- If you do not understand a question at first, ask for clarification
- Dress like you would for a job interview and look professional, so as to give a good first impression
Remember to just treat the UKVI interview the same as a normal job interview.
Other visas
Whilst we have focussed on the Skilled Worker Visa interview, essentially any other type of visa could require an interview as well.
For example, someone applying for a Student Visa may have an interview where they are asked about what they are studying, where they are studying, what their goals are, and what they plan to do after they have finished studying.
Ultimately, visa application interviews will have many of the same questions as a Skilled Worker one, but then there will be some that are just visa specific. The guidance for all visa interviews is more or less the same though
How we can help
Anyone who is interested in applying for a UK visa should ensure that they get the assistance of a UK immigration specialist, such as our expert team. A knowledgeable specialist such as ours can help you make sure that your application is as accurate as possible, and increase your chances of success. We might even be able to help you with the Skilled Worker Visa interview.
You can book a free 10-minute assessment which allows our team to see how they might be able to help you. Please note that the free assessment does not include any free legal advice. After this, you may be able to then book a 30 minute or an hour long consultation with our Principal Solicitor, Nathan Woodcock. During the consultation, you will be given legal advice, and we can help you plan your next steps.
Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you with your Skilled Worker Visa.
Ready for assistance?
If you have any questions, or want to book an appointment with one of our legal experts, contact Woodcock Law today. Call us on +44 (0)20 7712 1705 or email